
Friday, February 28, 2014

What is a mindful leader?

A mindful leader is a listener. 
A mindful leader is compassionate.
A mindful leader collaborates, pauses, considers, feels and responds.
A mindful leader takes responsibility.
And shares glory.
They make everyone around them better.

A mindful leader knows the power of quieting the mind and consulting intuition.

Mindful leaders are uplifters, thinkers, doers, and feelers.
Mindful leaders foster healthy, innovative, successful businesses. 

A mindful leader is a company’s greatest asset.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Contemplation, Corporate Style

Contemplative practices such as meditation and mindfulness fuel creativity, compassion, adaptability, and critical thinking through a process of detaching from habitual thoughts.  These practices increase self-awareness and reduce stress.  In the workplace, this translates into better productivity, collaboration and innovation, improved health and fewer absences.

Mindfulness is the latest and greatest hot topic in corporate wellness.  All the cool kids like Google and Apple are doing it.  Trendy?  Nope.  It's the new standard of excellence.  An employee with a quiet mind is a company's greatest asset.

Friday, February 7, 2014

When I am Mindful

When I am mindful, I shave my legs without incident.

When I am not mindful, I must set off my own car alarm to remember where I parked.

When I am mindful, I dot every i and cross each t.

When I am not mindful, I send a text message (meant for my son) to a business associate saying, "Stop fighting with your sister and let the dog out to potty." 

When I am mindful, I hear what you say.

When I am not mindful, I plan what I'm going to say while you're talking to me.

A mindful workplace listens, focuses, has compassion, is productive, and thrives.