
Friday, April 4, 2014

Sunk Cost - Prospective Cost (Or Why Meditation Should Be Your Company’s Next Wellness Program)

Sunk Cost
A simple definition of sunk cost:  money spent and permanently lost. 

A good example of sunk cost:  stress in the workplace. 

Workplace stress impacts health care costs, absenteeism, productivity, job satisfaction, and employee turnover – costing companies billions each year.  The cost of workplace stress can never be recovered.

Prospective Cost
A simple definition of prospective cost:  costs that may be changed if an action is taken.

A good example of prospective cost:  a meditation in the workplace wellness program.

Meditation has been proven to boost mental, emotional and physical health by reducing stress, improving brain function, and balancing the body’s biological systems.  In the workplace, this translates to mental clarity, improved emotional intelligence, better overall health, and enhanced work-life balance. 

 Meditation at Work
According to the American Institute of Stress, stress costs American businesses an estimated 300 billion a year.  300 billion dollars.  Sunk cost.  Money spent and permanently lost.  This is why meditation should be your company’s next wellness program.    


  1. I would like this forwarded to the Board of Directors of Walmart.
    Thank you.

    1. I'll do my best to get the message to them, JC.
