
Friday, May 16, 2014

6 Reasons to Keep Meditating, Baby!

Like other healthy habits, meditation gets bumped down our to-do lists by crises, must-dos and have-tos. Here are 6 important reasons to keep going. 

1.  Exponential Benefits 
The health improvements of meditation are vast and grow like compound interest, but only if you meditate regularly. 

2.  Brain Power  
Neuroscience, the study of the brain, tells us meditation improves brain function, increasing clarity, compassion and positive mental attitude.

 3.  Heart Health 
Research shows meditation lowers blood pressure, reducing the chances of heart disease. 

4.  A Good Night's Sleep  
Meditation raises levels of melatonin, a hormone crucial for healthy sleep patterns. 

5.  Anger Management 
Because it increases compassion and emotional intelligence, research suggests meditation might actually make you a nicer person - less reactive, more responsive. 

6.  Inner Peace
When you meditate regularly, you become addicted to the relaxation, inner peace, and clarity that permeate your days.  It feels so good, and the benefits are so life-changing, you won't want to skip a day.

I promise, if you'll just hang in there, push through the excuses and distractions, and commit to a daily practice of meditation, you will be thrilled with the results. You'll never know unless you try!  Prove it to yourself.    

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