
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I'm All About That Space

Looks like you have a lot on your mind.

Folks, I am very concerned about us.  Society has gone off-the-rails crazy. We are ruining ourselves with busy-ness and stress.  We're over-scheduled and we hardly sleep. Obsessing over worries and troubles has become a national pastime. And we wear this madness like a badge of honor. When did it all go to heck in a hand basket? What ever happened to naps and sittin' a spell and boredom?

As a person who likes downtime, this level of chaos makes me jumpy. There's too much pressure to be an over-achieving insomniac and I simply can't compete.

How will I survive these times? I'm a horrible multitasker. I can't work circles around anyone. I freak out if I don't get eight hours of sleep. I stay home if I'm sick. And I'm easily distracted by shiny objects and tons of other objects. My resume reads like a Top 10 list of reasons not to hire me.

This is why I teach meditation. For one thing, I get to sit around and meditate a lot. But I also teach people how to create space - space in their heads, space in their hearts, and more space in their lives. If there's one thing people these days need more of, it's space. A space of a few seconds before responding to a coworker can reduce conflict. A space of time before replying to an email can be a game-changer. Space in your head helps you think more clearly, and space in your heart makes you more compassionate.

You see, space is a good thing. Downtime is healthy. Rest is rejuvenating. Take it from me, the girl with zero war stories about long days and sleepless nights. Sure, occasionally someone will draw a circle around me to see if I'm moving at all, but I'm not offended. Because I'm all about that space, 'bout that space, no troubles.

Me.  Not so much.

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