
Friday, March 7, 2014

How to Change Your Negative, Frustrating, Suffocating Work Environment

In keeping with my intention to write short articles you will actually read, I’m going to cut to the chase, get to the point.  Brass  tacks, baby.  It’s very simple and here it is:




Change you and everything changes.

How does this work?  Empowerment. Begin by taking responsibility for every thought, word and action.   Decide you’re not going to be any level of a victim.  Stop blaming anyone for anything.  Stop listing all the reasons you’re unhappy.  Stop telling your story.  Stop gossiping.  Stop complaining.  Go to the inner – your inner – where intuition and inspiration reside.  Try learning to meditate, get some counseling, or practice mindfulness.  These steps will change your perspective – and that changes everything. 
When you change you, everything will change.  You will realize you are not a victim of circumstances, but a powerful creator of circumstances.  Your work environment will improve to suit you, or you will find a new work environment.

Change you and everything changes.

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