"No! No no no! I do not have time for this!" Click, click. Esc. Esc. Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Nothing. Frozen. "Oh no, no way. How many tabs do I have open?! How many documents?! Holy schniekies, dozens! Have I saved my work?! C'mon stupid computer! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"
There's only one thing to do.
Shut it down.
Same goes for you. Your system, like a computer, can only take so much. The headaches, clinched jaws, sore shoulders and anxiety in your chest - all signs you need to shut down. If you keep pushing, you're going to crash.
Learn to meditate. A few minutes of uninterrupted silence each day can help you shut down, reboot, and power back up at full functioning capacity.
I'm powering down now. Ahhhhh.