
Friday, March 21, 2014

Om My Goodness, Wall Street is Meditating

Think only wacky, hipster companies like Google are meditating?  Think again.

A recent article on CNN Money reports Wall Street companies are implementing meditation to reduce workplace stress and keep employees happy and productive.  It seems meditation has emerged from the shadowy corners of the new age movement, and stepped smack dab in the middle of the mainstream. 

“Meditation, contemplation -- it’s not just for monks and hermits. They’re really for people to improve all our lives and business,"  Daniel Loeb said recently in an American Enterprise Institute panel discussion.  Loeb is the billionaire founder of activist hedge-fund firm Third Point LLC, and a meditator.

Other noted, high-profile meditators include: Ray Dalio, billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates, Bill Ford, Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company, and Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of News Corp.  Without a whole lot of analysis, one can glean a common thread amongst these folks - success.  

The corporate landscape is changing.  According to Harvard Business School, "The two most effective business tools for twenty-first century executives are meditation and intuition."  Innovative companies - the trendsetters and industry leaders - already know this, and they're creating cultures that reflect it.  

In business, the new in-thing is a quiet mind.

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